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fresh from Vienna

Our collection

Die Cup and Cake GmbH setzt sich als Ziel so viele Menschen wie möglich mit Cupcakes die Welt zu versüßen. Aus diesem Grund besteht unser Angebot aus vielfältigen Zutaten und Geschmacksvariationen. Unser Grundkatalog wird erweitert durch vegetarische, vegane und glutenfreie Optionen. Zudem gibt es alle paar Monate süße Saisonale Überraschungen. Wir verfügen über verschiedene Abteilungen, von Marketing bis hin zu IT, die gemeinsam daran arbeiten, unsere Kunden zufriedenzustellen und ein erstklassiges Produktangebot zu gewährleisten.

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Who is CupCakes Wien?

Our partner company in the 8th district.

Renate Gruber fulfilled her wish to have her own business in 2010 when she founded CupCakes Wien, which can now be found at Albertgasse 17 in the 8th district. The origin of the raw materials used in her products is particularly important to CupCakes Wien. The living conditions of the animals, the promotion of local dairies, the origin of plant-based ingredients and the avoidance of chemicals are all core values of our partner company. 


We are deeply grateful for the images provided by our valued partner company, which already enrich our website with high-quality visual material. In addition, our close, long-standing partnership enables us to optimise the exchange of experience for the best possible simulation of operational practice. 


We would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for the excellent cooperation and tireless support of Mrs Gruber. Her efforts have not only exceeded our expectations, but have also raised our partnership to a much more sophisticated level.

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